10th Annual General Meeting
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10th Annual General Meeting
9 June, 2021
Dear Fellow NRN,
We are thrilled to inform you that the Non-Resident Nepali Association, National Coordination Council of USA (NRNA NCC of USA) is going to organize it’s 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) on July 3-4, 2021, in New York. From the executive committee, it is our honor and privilege to invite and offer you a warm welcome to the event.
I believe that you are fully aware of the importance of AGM to grow our organization and enhance its impact on the members and all NRNs living in the USA. We will be getting together at the AGM to share our ideas and to make some important decisions. Your presence and active participation in the meeting is imperative in order to take our organization to the next level. We are confident that we will have the opportunity to welcome you all at the AGM.
We will be discussing the following agendas at the AGM. If you have any questions about the AGM please do not hesitate to contact us at any time. We would be happy to respond to your questions.
1. Organization Report
2. Financial Report
3. Bylaws Amendment
4. Oath Taking Ceremony
Event Summary:
NON Resident Nepalis National Coordination Council of USA (NRNA)
Start Date: 2021 Jul 2, Fri
End Date: 2021 Jul 4, Sun
Last Day to Book: 2021 Jun 21, Mon
Hotel(s) offering your special group rate:
Sheraton LaGuardia East Hotel for 129 USD - 229 USD per night
Book your group rate for NON Resident Nepalis National Coordination Council of USA (NRNA)
We look forward to welcoming you at the event.
Best Regards,
Pashupati Pandey
General Secretary
Non-Resident Nepali Association, America